Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №34(257)
Рубрика: Педагогика

Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №34(257)
Карибаева Айдана Батыркизи
магистрант Карагандинского университета имени Академика Е.А.Бөкетов, Казахстан, г. Караганда
Макыметтола Саякоз
магистрант Карагандинского университета имени Академика Е.А.Бөкетов, Казахстан, г. Караганда
Такуова Зарина Сериковна
докторант кафедры иностранной филологии, преподаватель английского языка кафедры иностранных языков, Карагандинский университетимени Академика Е.А.Бөкетов, Казахстан, г. Караганда
The article concludes that the effectiveness of distance learning is no less than traditional learning. And also what are the advantages of distance learning.The system of "Distance Education" allows each student to realize their own needs, learn in search of the necessary knowledge, and the foundation of modern knowledge of students is laid. They develop comprehensive knowledge, independence from changes taking place in the world, connection to a large-scale network, the ability to find the necessary information, and the ability to use it as needed. For example, the distance learning system in all classes of our school allows us to make the educational process more effective. This type of work is very convenient and useful.
Distance learning technology is an information technology that provides interactive interaction between students and teachers in the learning process, bringing the bulk of the material to the students, allowing them to work independently on the assimilation of the studied material, as well as students in the learning process. Distance learning is a form of perception of knowledge as full-time and distance learning, which uses means and types of training based on computer and telecommunication technologies, the best traditional and innovative methods in the educational process.
The basis of the educational process in distance learning is the ability to study according to an individual schedule in a convenient place, the availability of a set of special training tools, the ability to contact teachers by e-mail and simple mail, telephone, as well as full-time training, which allows the student to achieve the goal.
The features of distance learning , along with classical ones , have the following achievements in comparison:
- The ability of a person to continuous socialization;
- Flexibility (in time, place, volume and gestures of training);
- The possibility of applying an individual curriculum;
- Access to educational information , its prompt updating;
- Economic (by reducing the cost of training grounds, transport, technical means);
- Application of new technologies;
- Equality of social rights of students (regardless of their place of residence and state of health);
– Expenditure and income of information and training resources throughout the country;
- No problems with the replication of materials, the convenience of their distribution;
- Ensuring self-control of students.[1]
Advantages of distance learning:
- technology, that is, distance learning BilimLand, Kundelik Kz,, Microsoft TEAM, Google (At the request of Roskomnadzor, we inform you that a foreign person who owns Google information resources is a violator of the legislation of the Russian Federation - ed. note)
ClassRoom.effectively through the use of modern programs and technical means.
- accessibility and openness, the student is given the opportunity to study at a convenient time for him, without leaving home.
-Freedom, flexibility, individual access to quality education. During the day, there are such opportunities as an individual student learning schedule, methods and means of obtaining training assignments for each day and completing them at a time convenient for the student, electronic journals or other available forms of communication established by the teacher, including providing feedback via messengers. This form develops self-improvement skills.
There are various technologies for organizing distance learning.
- Real-time meetings.
You agree with the students about the time when the live broadcast or online meeting will be held. In the Online lesson, you explain materials, answer students' questions and ask them questions. Distance learning through interactive learning materials
Students' learning can be organized using interactive learning materials, which include instructions, educational content (video, interactive video, text, images), self-study, links and much more. In the case when students have difficulty completing tasks, it is necessary to create a chat to communicate with each other.
- Plan your work.
Set the time and plan, for example, the week and the students' work on the subject. To organize the work as a whole, start with the learning outcome that students need to achieve.
- Determine how you communicate with your students.
Students must have a point of access to educational materials. If you use some platform (blog, website, messengers, closed group, etc.) to work with students, then students can work through it during distance learning. If there is no such platform, then educational materials can be transmitted via an electronic journal (but it cannot withstand the load, so there must be an alternative source of communication).
- Start creating training materials.
In distance learning, the usual wording of the tasks "textbook, page, answer questions and read" in the electronic journal will be meaningless, since there is no learning function. Distance Organization of educational work is to help the student independently master what he does not know and cannot do. And to do this, we need to prepare educational materials and tasks for this group, taking into account the age of the students we are working with.
Services that organize online classes in real time.
- Zoom
A service for holding video conferences and webinars. In the free version, you can hold meetings for up to 40 minutes and up to 100 people. Students can connect to the meeting by phone (it is recommended to install zoom) or by computer. Each participant of the meeting has the opportunity to speak out loud, show a video and expand the screen.
Facebook Live (a social network banned on the territory of the Russian Federation, as a product of the Meta organization, recognized as extremist - ed.)
Live video broadcast from Facebook. (a social network banned on the territory of the Russian Federation, as a product of the Meta organization, recognized as extremist - ed.)
Launch Live broadcasts and create a closed class group where you can conduct online classes. It is free and has no time limit.
Instagram Live (a social network banned on the territory of the Russian Federation, as a product of the Meta organization, recognized as extremist - ed.)
Video streaming via Instagram (a social network banned on the territory of the Russian Federation, as a product of the Meta organization, recognized as extremist - ed.). If students are already connected to you, then they will receive a notification about the broadcast, you can conduct the broadcast in your account. Alternatively, you can conduct online meetings by creating a closed account for the class.
- WiziQ
Online training organization service. A class is created in which students join (they must create an account in this environment). Here you can communicate, publish tasks and announcements, and conduct online meetings. Only 10 participants can join the course and video meeting in the free version.
- Periscope
Application for conducting live broadcasts. In order for students to watch your broadcast, they need to install this application on their phone and create an account.
- Skype
Video conferencing service. Each student must have a Skype account. A class group is created and at a certain time a bell rings, to which all participants in the group join
Distance learning technology is modern tele ision, electronic
education without participation in an educational institution with the help of mail, television and the internet use of services. Distance learning allows you to acquire knowledge for any reason the same opens up opportunities to study at home for everyone who can't deliver (especially for the disabled, the blind and deaf, etc.).
There are other types of educational technologies: each level of training, full learning, collective integrated learning, flexible learning, design learning, author's learning technology (for example, the technology of V. F. Shatalov), etc..[2]
In conclusion ,I believe that distance learning technology is a necessary and effective learning technology today. today, unfortunately, the number of inclusive children in our country is increasing, and the fact that they are now studying in ordinary schools spoils the attention of other classmates during their studies. Teachers themselves argue that inclusive education is difficult, it interferes with other children in the process of learning. And according to this technology, children can learn at home with their guardian at any time they want. And this technology can be used effectively in remote villages in cases of lack of teachers , in cases where there are only a few students in the classroom, or when the teacher is sick and cannot come to the lesson