

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №4(271)

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Kurbangalieva G. TEACHING SPEAKING SKILL THROUGH MULTIMEDIA // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 4(271). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/271/144290 (дата обращения: 07.03.2025).
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Kurbangalieva Gulden
Bachelor’s degree student, Ablai khan KazUIRandWL , Kazakhstan, Almaty
Zhumabekova Galia
научный руководитель, Scientific supervisor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Ablai khan KazUIRandWL, Kazakhstan, Almaty


Abstract. This article is devoted to the topic of the correct use of multimedia tools in the field of education. More precisely, the correct use of these tools to develop students' speaking skills. Multimedia itself includes a huge variety of different options and ways to involve students in the learning process, so in the article you can get acquainted with modern methods of teaching children different skills.


Keywords: speaking skills, modern technologies, programs, modern education system, multimedia tools.


Multimedia helps in creating a new and voluminous environment of immersed information for the full immersion of students in the educational process in the environment of knowledge. In this context, various text, video, and audio capabilities, or even interactive tools, can be used. The effectiveness of the method of using interactive methods and multimedia itself in the educational process is very good and has been sufficiently studied.

Currently, the education system is devoting more and more time and opportunities to the introduction of information and communication technologies, the integration of innovations and new approaches to lessons. This topic also touched upon the language sphere. Our world is developing with each new day, showing the dynamic development of society. Therefore, in modern times, fluency in a foreign language is an urgent need and an obligatory requirement of an educated person, which contributes to the formation of communicative competence. English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and speaking it gives people advantages in realizing themselves as an individual. In particular, it is important to have competent oral communication using grammatical basics and vocabulary, as well as to have a general understanding of the culture of the language being studied. Multimedia in education contributes to the emergence of new teaching methods using various authentic materials. With the proper use of multimedia, the perception of new information improves and students' motivation increases. Thanks to this, students can be involved in the lesson and use their knowledge for speaking the language [3].

Multimedia is a powerful tool for improving conversational skills when learning a language. There are a huge number of ways to effectively introduce multimedia into the educational process. Multimedia itself combines the achievements of audiovisual technology and user interaction with digital technologies. The teaching of conversational skills through multimedia can be carried out through the complete immersion of students in the real use of the language through authentic materials. Interactive presentations can also stimulate conversations, debates, and discussion of a topic. Virtual simulations and guided tours also help create an online environment. Encouraging a teacher to use installation applications like Duolingo or HelloTalk can have a positive effect on speech development. In addition, multimedia develops not only linguistic aspects, but also contributes to the formation of critical thinking and creative expression. The whole process of using video or audio materials allows students to practice speaking skills in an exciting way, which will improve the quality of learning [4]. Nowadays, the use of   animation in the pedagogical process of language learning is very popular. Language animation is one of the most effective methods of learning a language, as it helps to increase students' interest in intercultural communication. It is very important to motivate students to learn the language at the beginning, as this will help to develop a deeper understanding of the language in the future. All children are afraid to make a mistake in pronouncing a new word, not to mention full-fledged speech. Therefore, language animation can help solve the problem through the use of various animation games, various methods when watching cartoons. These can be various tasks related to the viewed material to expand all aspects of the language, including the perception of the language itself [1]. The teacher in this case acts as a connector between language animation and language skills. The teacher should also take into account age characteristics, language proficiency levels, as well as the impact on their behavior [1]. For a broader impact, the teacher can use various gestures, techniques, character parodies, and various cues to involve students in the learning process.

Multimedia is mostly about cartoons through which children get ideas about the world, social and cultural development, morality since the events taking place in cartoons directly subconsciously affect the perception and thinking of students and form their worldview [5]. Therefore, one of the main tasks is the accurate and correct selection of animation and multimedia. It is important to select a cartoon or animation, taking into account the substantial basis and cognitive value of the idea itself. To develop students' speaking skills, it is correct to take into account not only the interests and goals of students, but also the correctness of language use, more precisely, pronunciation, structure, grammar, and vocabulary should be suitable for the standards of linguistic speech. Thus, the use of multimedia has a number of advantages that allow you to develop all language skills.  Purely passive observation of the process by students will not yield results, therefore, the need to activate thinking through involvement in the process is important. You can use various exercises and tasks to complete after watching a video or listening to audio [6]. It is also important to understand and remember that multimedia tools are only part of the entire training program and cannot completely replace a holistic approach to knowledge. A cartoon is just a ready-made material for a more detailed presentation of information. That is, learning using animation allows teachers to explain complex topics, helps to visualize the topic and makes the learning process interesting. Multimedia provides a great opportunity not only to study, but also to develop your abilities. It has been scientifically proven that the use of multimedia and methods can really be effective for developing speaking skills in foreign language lessons. In one study involving students, it was proved that the use of multimedia technologies and methods has a beneficial effect on the learning process and develops the ability to speak and understand speech much faster. There were also studies related to schoolchildren, where it turned out that students were able to increase their self-confidence through the use of multimedia teaching methods than those who were engaged in the traditional way [2].

As a conclusion, multimedia technologies and multimedia itself are a powerful means of improving the effectiveness of education, including increasing motivation among students, increasing the level of knowledge and stability in the perception of new information. Multimedia can create conditions as close to reality as possible for external communication, where students can begin to practice conversational skills. Teachers, using multimedia methods such as educational games, educational cartoons, video and audio materials, and so on, can create a holistic, dynamic and exciting language learning environment that can give students confidence in using speaking skills.


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