Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №31(298)
Рубрика: Психология

Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №31(298)
Since ancient times, scientists and philosophers have assigned the main role in human life to the family. It is not surprising that even today it is the family institution that is central to the child's socialization. Parents are an integral part of the mechanism of the pedagogical process. They lay the foundation for the development of personality, the formation of its values and ideals. In the future, all these qualities are developed and strengthened by the school. Therefore, the relationship between family and school institutions should be mutual and strong.
Unfortunately, the current situation in society is such that the system of psychological and pedagogical training of parents is insufficiently developed and effective. In addition, in modern society, there is an increasing tendency for parents to shift responsibility for education and training to teachers when a child enters school [3, p.90].
The study of achievement motivation is of great importance during the period of its intensive development, which falls on the younger school age. It is at this age that a certain type of attribution of successes and failures occurs, and a conscious relationship between failures and the causes of their occurrence begins [1, p.35].
Intellectual, mental and personality development is mediated by interaction with the child's environment, which understands and accepts the child as he is. Such interaction takes place in the family.
Child-parent relations, the style of family education have a huge impact on the development of personality as a whole, as well as on the educational motivation of a teenager. In the case when parents expect too much from a child, he has a fear of defeat, and motivation decreases accordingly. Schoolchildren seem to meet the poor academic performance at school with the constant demands of their parents. After all, parents will remain dissatisfied with the child in any case, no matter how good grades he receives. Soon they stop even trying. The opposite is also possible, which is also bad. If parents do not support their children in any way, do not praise them, then teenagers in this case will also stop studying. Many parents are so passionate about themselves and their own affairs that they are not interested in their children's studies. Some children have no idea about discipline only because their parents did not teach them this since childhood and have always been too tolerant of children. This means that they do not develop any motivation. When parents overprotect their children, it also affects their academic performance. They are not motivated, they do not know how to work in a team, they do not set goals for themselves. [2, p. 26].
Modern research shows that a child's academic performance at school directly depends on his relationship with his parents and the style of upbringing in the family. His self-esteem, activity, deviant behavior, and tendency to depression also depend on this.
The development of educational motivation is already linked to the peculiarities of the child's participation in the educational process and is determined by his success, the attitude of adults, including parents, to the successes and failures of the child. An essential role in the development of educational (cognitive) motivation is played by the ability of parents to satisfy the natural needs of a teenager. What is available brings pleasure and only positive emotions – this is what teenagers react to. This eliminates problems in the educational field and increases motivation [4, p.32].
In older students, the motives associated with the acquisition of new knowledge are included in the set of elements included in the structure of the motivational sphere and relate to the future. This motivational sphere in a developed form involves the assimilation of certain moral values that have become the dominant motives of behavior [1, p. 33].
During the educational process, the parent forms "educational" motives within the student, encouraging students to be active, to productively master the content of education, while simultaneously developing the key motives of the individual, his beliefs, values and attitudes.
The ways of formation and the peculiarities of motivation for each teenager are individual and unique. The task is to identify, based on a general approach, the mechanisms of formation of positive sustainable learning motivation and learning success in general [2, p. 28].
Thus, it can be concluded that child-parent relations directly affect the educational motivation of schoolchildren. More rigid and dry relations between children and parents negatively affect educational motivation, concentration on the educational process decreases, develop in the child a fear of defeat or active resistance to the parental parenting style, which leads to a decrease in motivation. According to this style, the interests of the child are taken into account, parents help the child set goals and set limits in accordance with the age, abilities and interests of the child, but parents also set rules for the child that promote his development, form discipline, teach respect for themselves and others. Therefore, it is very important to analyze the climate of family relations and identify the leading style of parenting when assessing the level of educational motivation.