
Features of development of the emotional sphere of the personality of the child of preschool age

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №19(70)

Рубрика: Педагогика

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Vladimira O. Features of development of the emotional sphere of the personality of the child of preschool age // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2019. № 19(70). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/70/52551 (дата обращения: 07.02.2025).
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Features of development of the emotional sphere of the personality of the child of preschool age

Vladimira Ovchinnikova
student of Belgorod state University "BSU", Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. The article discusses the relevance and importance of this topic in the development of the emotional sphere of the child's personality. Particular attention is paid to the concept of "emotions", as well as means and methods of development of the emotional sphere of a child of preschool age. The article highlights the age peculiarities of the emotional sphere of the child's personality at all stages of the preschool period.


Currently, the problem of development of emotions is one of the most important and complex problems of psychology and pedagogy, because it gives an idea not only about the General laws of the development of the psyche of children and its individual sides, but also about the features of the formation of the personality of a preschooler. Emotional development is as important as physical, mental, moral, social and linguistic development, and requires no less sensitivity and support from adults. Emotions play an important role in children's lives. Any emotion teaches something, so adults should help children understand their own emotions, pay attention to other people's feelings and find effective ways to cope with the variety of emotions experienced. Let's see what emotions are and how they cause feelings.

Emotions - a special class of mental processes and States, which is experienced in various forms of human relations to objects and phenomena of reality. Emotions and feelings are a reflection of reality in the form of experiences, that is, feelings are personal. Feelings have a different degree of duration and intensity, also have an external expression in the expressive movements of the face (facial expressions) and body (pantomime), in the intonations of speech [2].

There are the development of such higher feelings as moral, intellectual and aesthetic.

Moral feelings are emotions that play a crucial role in the formation of the personality of the child, his active life position, on the basis of which to develop such personality traits as humanity, compassion, kindness etc.

Intellectual feelings are emotions that accompany cognitive activity and ensure the effectiveness of the process of cognition. 

Aesthetic feelings – a complex of structures associated with the formation of artistic perception and their own artistic and creative activities of children. The consciousness of the aesthete also includes attitude to religion, to work, taste, judgment, contemplation, perception, evaluation, ideal, values.

According to K. Izard, emotions energize and organize perception, thinking and action. According to the classification proposed by him, emotions are fundamental and derivative. The fundamental emotions include: interest-excitement, joy, surprise, grief-suffering, anger, disgust, contempt, fear, shame and guilt. The rest are derivatives [2].

Younger preschoolers can not restrain the manifestation of their feelings, usually the faces and poses of children very clearly Express their emotional experiences. For younger preschoolers characteristic light "infectiousness" emotional experiences of others.

Under the influence of the development of the will, children of older groups are already learning to restrain their feelings. In older age the child becomes completely independent from the direct effects of a particular situation and emotional state, even loved ones are no longer "infect" preschooler as before.

Children of younger age – still only enter into the life of the team, they have not learned to build their relationships on mutual respect for each other, they still have a weak sense of personal responsibility to their comrades, to the team — all these moral qualities are at the initial stage of formation [4].

The senior preschool children the experience of moral relations in the collective is more rich. On this basis, they develop deeper and stronger friendships and friendships, which are beginning to play an increasingly important role in the formation of moral qualities of the character of the preschooler. In children of this age, the range of common interests on the basis of which friendship develops significantly expands. Educational, cognitive and public interests become the leaders. Friendship becomes more businesslike and stable, and its motives more serious and deep.

Significant differences in the nature of friendship among preschool children of different groups. The pupils of Junior and middle groups of friendly relationship still not stable enough and the motives of friendship are poorly understood. Often children of this age change their friends for random and subjective reasons. The friendship of senior preschoolers is based on common interests, mainly related to playing activities, leisure activities, walks, etc. [3].

In the senior preschool age emotional and motivational spheres closely connected with each other develop, self-consciousness is formed. For early childhood characterized generally calm emotion, the absence of strong affective outbursts and conflicts for minor reasons. This new relatively stable emotional background determines the dynamics of the child's ideas. Emotional processes become more balanced, the content of affects changes — the range of emotions inherent in the child expands. It is especially important for preschoolers to develop such emotions as empathy and empathy — without them, joint activities and complex forms of communication of children are impossible.

Thus, important changes in the emotional sphere of the child are carried out during pre-school childhood. In General, preschool age is characterized by a significant variety of emotional States and feelings, their deepening and increasing the level of their stability, duration, intensity and clarity of manifestation, the gradual improvement of arbitrary emotional self-regulation.

There are enough tools and methods for the emotional development of preschool children, such as:

1. Game activity – emotional responsiveness of the child to peers, the solution of problem situations.

2. Vocational education – basic work instructions.

3. Theatrical activity – transfer of emotions, character of heroes and their attitude to each other.

4. Joint holidays, leisure.

5. The use of fiction – the world of verbal art carries unlimited opportunities for the formation of the emotional sphere of the preschooler.

6. Using music – listening to the words and music of songs and choirs, the child acquires the original concept of the mood of music, acquires the experience of conveying feelings by musical means.

7. Visual activity - the use of colors, creating images that reflect the mood and impressions of the child.

8. Visibility is one of the main and most significant methods of teaching preschoolers.

9. Modeling - the use of models to solve problems. As models of emotional state can be used: icons, graphic images of the face, silhouettes of people, pantomimically reflecting emotions, "mobile applications" [1].

10. Speech development – the child's vocabulary is activated and enriched by words denoting feelings and emotional states of a person.

11. Outdoor games – high emotional intensity of outdoor games allows you to use them for the education of children cheerful, cheerful.

Emotions affect all components of cognition: sensation, perception, imagination, memory, and thinking. They play an important role in children's lives, helping to perceive and respond to reality. For mental health, a balance of emotions is necessary, so in the education of emotions it is important not only to teach children to stimulate themselves in the process of volitional action with positive emotions, but also not to be afraid of negative emotions that inevitably arise in the process of activity or creativity.

Thus, preschool age can be called the period of the most intensive development of the emotional sphere of the preschool child's personality. There are significant changes in its structure and complexity, due to the socialization of the content and forms of emotional reactions, as well as the expansion of the modal range of emotional reactions, the integration of emotions and intelligence.


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