

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №9(232)

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Gayvoronskaya K. COHERENT SPEECH AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A PRESCHOOL CHILD // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 9(232). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/232/124329 (дата обращения: 14.01.2025).
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Gayvoronskaya Kseniya
Student of Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod
Markov Alexander
научный руководитель, Scientific supervisor, Senior lecturer, Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod


Abstract. The formation of the communicative components of a preschooler is important in the educational process of preschool education. This is determined by two factors: firstly, the formation of communicative components allows children to establish contact with others, which, on the one hand, balances their self–esteem, and together with it – forms a sense of comfort, and on the other - determines a prosperous environment in the team; secondly, it allows you to form skills of working with information, which positively affects the ability of students to learn, both in kindergarten and independently. At the same time, among the number of communicative components, a special place is occupied by the formation of coherent speech of a preschooler as a fundamental factor determining the child's ability to contact the world around him.


Keywords: Communication, coherent speech, preschooler, speech development.


To date, the educational process in preschool education is a synthesis of activities aimed at the transfer of knowledge and work to fulfill the social order of modern society, one of which is the formation of a personality ready for relationships with the outside world, the processing and production of information, the establishment of communication links. The formation of this kind of competence in pupils is accompanied by educational standards of the second generation – the Federal State Educational Standard, according to which one of the most important aspects of the primary school teacher's activity is the formation of universal educational actions, or UUD.

Within the framework of the modern pace of development of the educational process, the principle of «discovery of new knowledge» has become the main fulcrum of educational activity. The essence of this principle is the independent search for knowledge. But the modern requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard do not only imply the search for information, but also the formation of analysis skills, the synthesis of information and the ability to correctly express the final result. One of the solutions to this problem is the formation of the communicative component of preschoolers, the leading factor of which is coherent speech.

A well-formed coherent speech is an opportunity for a person to build semantic detailed statements in order to ensure communication and mutual understanding. Leading psychologists (L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonin, N.I. Zhilkin) considered coherent speech as «the result of the general development of speech, an indicator not only of the speech, but also of the mental development of the child.» N.V. Elkina understands coherent speech as «a detailed, logical, consistent and imaginative presentation of any content» [Elkina, 142]. In simple words, coherent speech is a single semantic whole that includes structural components – words and sentences. Of course, the key function of coherent speech is communicative, which allows you to build relationships with the outside world.

Considering the coherent speech of a preschooler, it is necessary to understand that the ability to speak competently is a reflection of the level of development of the child as a whole, in connection with which we can say that coherent speech is the result of the relationship of several components of the psychological development of a preschooler – mental, emotional and speech. This aspect was investigated by N.V. Elkina: «At the same time, coherent speech is closely intertwined with two other aspects of speech: structural and cognitive, as it reflects the level of development of the child, the ability to analyze, compare; it shows the level of mastery of vocabulary, grammatical structure, sound culture of speech» [Elkina, 148]. Coherent speech demonstrates not only the child's ability to competently operate with the vocabulary of his native language, but also to build communication using both monological and dialogical forms of speech, depending on the situation.

An equally important feature of coherent speech is the possibility of forming a child's skills in the future to enter into relations with the external environment and adapt and function in it as quickly as possible, which, in turn, acts as a guarantee for the development of a complete personality of a preschooler. There are problems associated with communication in the children's collective; therefore, it is necessary to focus on the formation of communicative universal actions among preschoolers.

A special place is occupied by the importance of coherent speech of a preschooler as a future student. A properly organized system of students' relationships with the outside world contributes to the formation of prerequisites for an independent search for knowledge that will be useful to them in the future: at the current pace of the educational process, the student must quickly navigate during the lesson and study the material, find and formulate an answer based on the lessons received during the present or previous lessons. The presence of such an influence demonstrates the compliance of the availability of communication skills with the requirements of the Federal Law «On Education in the Russian Federation» No. 273-FZ (Article 48, paragraphs 4,5), which states: «teaching staff are obliged to develop cognitive activity, independence, initiative, creativity in children, as well as apply pedagogically sound and ensuring high quality education forms, methods of teaching and upbringing» [Federal Law «On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ (Article 48, paragraphs 4,5)].

Considering the system of work on coherent speech, it is worth noting the multidimensional nature of this phenomenon as a pedagogical component that allows fulfilling a number of requirements of the second-generation educational standard for educational work. Firstly, during the formation of speech, the child acquires communication and subordination skills. On the one hand, he learns to build a conversation with opponents (peers), on the other hand, he learns to build a conversation with an opponent higher in the social hierarchy (educator). Secondly, preschoolers develop the skill of self-expression and competent formulation of thoughts and communicating it to the interlocutor. For example, during the dialogue, the child gets the opportunity to express his thought, idea and position on any issue. This is especially important in the classroom, because during this period, a worldview and a personal position in relation to the surrounding world are being formed. Thirdly, a properly organized system of the child's relationship with the outside world contributes to the development of interest in the independent search for knowledge.

In conclusion, it should be added that the implementation of tasks for the development of coherent speech is impossible without the close cooperation of all participants in this process: children, parents and teachers. The solution of the issue of the formation of coherent and literate speech in preschoolers should be of a complex nature and be the result of the daily efforts of the educator and speech therapist.


List of references:
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