

Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №40(307)

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Logachyova A. THE DEVELOPMENT OF SELF-MONITORING AND SELF-EVALUATION SKILLS IN ENGLISH LESSONS AS A FOUNDATION FOR ACADEMIC INDEPENDENCE IN PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS // Студенческий форум: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 40(307). URL: https://nauchforum.ru/journal/stud/307/156326 (дата обращения: 07.03.2025).
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Logachyova Anastassiya
Student, Akhmet Baitursynuly Kostanay Regional University, Kazakhstan, Kostanay


Abstract. The establishment of control and evaluative independence during English language instruction is a crucial component in nurturing the learning autonomy of elementary school students. This endeavor entails promoting students' abilities in self-assessment and self-monitoring, thereby increasing their motivation and accountability for their academic results. The article explores various methods and strategies that empower educators to seamlessly incorporate control and evaluation components into the teaching process, highlighting the significance of pedagogical support in this regard. The research outcomes underscore that fostering control and evaluative independence not only facilitates effective English language acquisition but also enhances the overall educational autonomy of students.

Аннотация. Формирование самостоятельности в области контроля и оценки на уроках английского языка представляет собой ключевой элемент в развитии учебной независимости младших школьников. Данный процесс включает в себя обучение учащихся навыкам самооценки и самоконтроля в их учебной деятельности, что, в свою очередь, способствует увеличению их мотивации и ответственности за результаты своего обучения. В статье анализируются методы и подходы, которые позволяют педагогам эффективно внедрять элементы контроля и оценки в образовательный процесс, а также подчеркивается важность педагогической поддержки в этом аспекте. Результаты исследования показывают, что развитие контрольно-оценочной самостоятельности не только способствует успешному изучению английского языка, но и содействует формированию общей учебной независимости учащихся.

Аннотация. Ағылшын тілі сабақтарында бақылау-бағалау тәуелсіздігін қалыптастыру – бастауыш мектеп оқушыларының оқу тәуелсіздігін дамытуда маңызды аспект. Бұл процесс оқушылардың өз оқу қызметін бағалау және бақылау дағдыларын дамытуға бағытталған, бұл олардың оқу нәтижелеріне жауапкершілік пен мотивациясын арттыруға ықпал етеді. Мақалада мұғалімдерге бақылау және бағалау элементтерін оқу процесіне тиімді интеграциялауға мүмкіндік беретін әдістер мен тәсілдер қарастырылған, сонымен қатар педагогикалық қолдаудың маңыздылығы талқыланған. Зерттеу нәтижелері бақылау-бағалау тәуелсіздігін дамыту ағылшын тілін оқуда ғана емес, оқушылардың жалпы оқу тәуелсіздігінің қалыптасуына да ықпал ететінін көрсетеді.


Keywords: control and evaluative independence, learning independence, elementary school students, methods of assessment and evaluation, pedagogical support, self-assessment.

Ключевые слова: контрольно-оценочная самостоятельность, учебная самостоятельность, младшие школьники, методы контроля и оценки, педагогическая поддержка, самооценка.

Кілт сөздер: бақылау-бағалау тәуелсіздігі, оқу тәуелсіздігі, бастауыш мектеп оқушылары, бақылау және бағалау әдістері, педагогикалық қолдау, өзін-өзі бағалау.


Introduction The relevance of this topic is determined by modern educational quality standards in Kazakhstan and the necessity to prepare students for the demands of a rapidly changing information society. According to the Strategy for the Development of Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025, one of the key objectives is to foster competencies that promote self-regulation and academic independence, as reflected in educational curricula and state standards.

Contemporary approaches to foreign language education emphasize active student participation in the learning process, which includes the development of self-monitoring and self-evaluation skills. Research by scholars such as L. S. Vygotsky and A. N. Leontiev highlights the importance of self-regulation and self-assessment in education. They note that student independence facilitates deeper understanding of material and the development of critical thinking skills.

Self-monitoring and self-evaluation enable primary school students not only to approach their assignments consciously but also to develop skills in self-control and self-reflection. This is particularly relevant within the framework of the competency-based approach, which requires students to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. Thus, monitoring and evaluation become essential tools for not only facilitating the learning process but also fostering overall academic independence.

The importance of developing self-monitoring and self-evaluation skills is further supported by international pedagogical studies, which show that successful outcomes in foreign language education are achieved when students are actively involved in the process of self-assessment. This engagement positively impacts their motivation and self-confidence, forming a foundation for further academic growth.

Research Objective: to investigate the process of developing self-monitoring and self-evaluation skills in primary school students, laying the foundation for academic independence in English lessons.

Research Tasks:

  1. To study the organization of independent learning activities among primary school students.
  2. To examine the types, forms, methods, and stages of developing self-monitoring and self-evaluation skills in English lessons for primary school students as a basis for academic independence.
  3. To explore effective methods for developing self-monitoring and self-evaluation skills in English lessons among primary school students as a foundation for academic learning.

This study employed a detailed methodology designed to investigate and develop self-monitoring and self-evaluation skills in primary school students during English lessons. The methodology was structured around principles of active learning, self-regulation, and student-centered pedagogy. The following components outline the methodology:

  1. Development Process The methodology was developed based on a review of educational theories, including the works of L. S. Vygotsky and A. N. Leontiev, emphasizing the importance of self-regulation in learning. Drawing on these foundations, a framework was created to incorporate self-monitoring and self-evaluation into regular English lessons. This framework included task design, assessment criteria, and tools for reflection.
  2. Stages of Implementation
    • Preparation Stage: At this stage, the teacher introduced students to the concept of self-monitoring and self-evaluation. Simple examples, such as checking homework using a checklist, were used to familiarize students with the process.
    • Implementation Stage: Students engaged in activities that required them to evaluate their own work and that of their peers. Tasks included error identification in written exercises, oral feedback sessions, and reflection journals.
    • Consolidation Stage: The final stage involved independent application of self-monitoring and self-evaluation skills in more complex tasks, such as project work or language presentations.
  3. Methods Used
  • Checklists: Students used checklists with criteria aligned to lesson objectives to self-assess their performance.
  • Peer Evaluation: Pair and group activities incorporated peer assessment to encourage collaborative reflection.
  • Reflection Journals: Students maintained journals where they documented their learning goals, challenges, and progress.
  • Teacher Feedback: Teachers provided guidance on how to refine self-assessment practices.

Practical Application

The methodology was applied during one academic term in a primary school in Kazakhstan. The implementation focused on students in grades 3 and 4, with lessons tailored to the existing curriculum and learning outcomes.

  1. Lesson Structure Each English lesson followed a consistent structure:
    • Introduction: Teachers briefly explained the goals and tasks of the lesson.
    • Activity Execution: Students worked on tasks such as reading comprehension, grammar exercises, and vocabulary building. Each task included self-assessment components.
    • Reflection and Feedback: At the end of each lesson, students completed their reflection journals and discussed their progress in groups or with the teacher.
  2. Sample Activities
    • Grammar Exercises: After completing a set of exercises, students compared their answers with a solution key, identifying errors and reflecting on how to improve.
    • Speaking Practice: During pair conversations, peers provided constructive feedback based on specific criteria such as pronunciation and fluency.
    • Project Work: Students created posters on a chosen topic, evaluated their projects using a rubric, and presented them to the class.
  3. Results Data collected from teacher observations, student journals, and periodic assessments indicated that students developed stronger self-regulation skills. They became more aware of their learning process, demonstrated increased motivation, and showed improved performance in English tasks. For example:
    • 85% of students could independently identify errors in their work by the end of the term.
    • Teachers reported a 20% reduction in requests for direct assistance during lessons.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages: The methodology promoted student autonomy, improved language skills, and fostered a growth mindset. It also enhanced collaboration among students.

Disadvantages: Some students initially struggled with the reflective practices, requiring additional teacher support. The method also demanded more preparation time for lesson planning.


  1. Preparation for Implementation Teachers should begin by gradually introducing self-assessment practices, ensuring students understand the purpose and benefits. Providing clear instructions and exemplars is crucial.
  2. Adapting to Different Groups The methodology can be tailored to suit various student abilities and class sizes. For younger or less advanced students, simpler self-monitoring tools such as smiley-face rating scales can be used.
  3. Evaluation Methods Teachers should incorporate periodic check-ins to gauge the effectiveness of the methodology, using tools such as surveys, observation, and performance data.
  4. Encouraging Collaboration Peer evaluations and group activities should be designed to promote constructive feedback, ensuring a supportive learning environment.


The development and implementation of self-monitoring and self-evaluation skills in English lessons have proven to be an effective approach to fostering academic independence in primary school students.

The methodology encourages active participation, critical thinking, and self-reflection, aligning with modern educational goals. While challenges such as initial resistance and increased preparation time exist, the overall benefits for students’ learning processes and outcomes justify its adoption.

Future research could explore long-term impacts and adaptations for diverse educational contexts, further contributing to the enhancement of teaching practices and student development.


1. Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Harvard University Press.
2. Leontiev, A. N. (1981). Problems of the Development of the Mind. Progress Publishers.
3. Republic of Kazakhstan. (2021). Strategy for the Development of Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025.
4. Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (1998). Assessment and Classroom Learning. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 5(1), 7-74.
5. Zimmerman, B. J. (2002). Becoming a Self-Regulated Learner: An Overview. Theory Into Practice, 41(2), 64-70.