Development of creative potential of children in the system of additional education
Журнал: Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №15(66)
Рубрика: Педагогика

Научный журнал «Студенческий форум» выпуск №15(66)
Development of creative potential of children in the system of additional education
Abstract: this article discusses the relevance and importance of this topic in the system of additional education. Special attention is paid to the concepts of "creativity", "creative potential", "creative abilities", "additional education". The purpose and task of the education system in accordance with the Federal State educational standard (GEF). The paper analyzes the work of teachers who came to the General conclusion that the creative potential of man was one of the key pedagogical concepts for the understanding of personality as a systemic integrity in connection with its development and the most complete implementation of internal essential forces.
Currently, this topic is very relevant, as due to the qualitative changes in society, where the leading role belongs to the individual with a new mindset, able to live and work successfully in the information society and innovative economy. And since the formation of a creative personality is laid in childhood and is a condition for the subsequent development of the individual, his successful creative activity, so the children's educational institutions faces the main task of developing the creative potential of the younger generation. This is the reason for the choice of the topic for my article "Development of creative potential of children in the system of additional education". Let's see what is creativity, creativity and additional education.
What is creativity? This is the embodiment of individuality, this is a form of self-realization of personality, this is an opportunity to Express your unique attitude to the world. Creativity is the activity generating "something new, never the former" [1]. In modern studies of European scientists "creativity" is defined descriptively and acts as a combination of intellectual and personal factors.
Creativity is an important process in a child's development. It is good when a child sees the beauty and diversity of the world, and even better if he not only notices this beauty, but also can create it. The result, which is obtained, aesthetically and emotionally attractive to the child, as this or that nice thing he did himself. And when the child begins to create beauty with his own hands, he will begin to treat the world with care and love. Harmony and love will enter his life. Only in creative activity the child will develop, acquire social experience, reveal his natural talents and abilities, satisfy his interests and needs.
Creative potential is something that is inherent in every person from his birth, it is a manifestation of spirituality, social personality, its uniqueness and uniqueness. In pedagogy, active study of this phenomenon began in the 80-90-ies. (T. G. brazhe, L. A. Darinskaya, I. V. Volkov, E. A. Glukhovskaya, O. L. Kalinina, V. V. Korobkova, N. E. Mazhar, A. I. Sannikova, etc.). The creative potential of man was one of the key pedagogical concepts for the understanding of personality as a systemic integrity in connection with its development and the most complete implementation of internal essential forces [2].
Children's creativity is like a large system that includes personal abilities, knowledge, skills, relationships, which are characterized through self-realization, the ability to Express, creative and educational activity of children. It is focused on creative activities in a changing educational space, as well as through reflection on their own activities.
Children's creative skills are always evolving in an activity that requires creativity. Creative abilities are individual psychological features of an individual that are related to the success of any activity, but are not limited to knowledge, skills that have already been developed in children [4]. Creative activity is the result and an important condition for the further development of personality and its creative potential.
Additional education is a purposeful organized leisure activity of the child, which is designed to create conditions for his creative potential, the basis of which is the free choice of the child's activity. This will fill the world of childhood with new vivid impressions, provide an intellectual and emotional experience. The main thing is not to miss an important period of development of creative opportunities of children.
That's why, thanks to this approach to the interests and personality, the child feels its own value. And also he ceases to act on the prompts of society. The child reveals all his possibilities, interests, learns the amount of knowledge and can work to the extent and pace at which his individual abilities allow him. Everyone develops a sense of self-worth, and as a result of self-consciousness in the future has a very positive impact on social adaptation to the ever-changing conditions of life.
Programs of additional education of educational orientation are aimed at the orientation of the individuality of each child, regardless of abilities and natural data. Each of them should create conditions for the development of children as much as possible. Many children additional education can help in adapting to their peers, to feel the importance of creativity. Everyone can show and Express themselves in artistic abilities and opportunities. The teacher and the parent must believe in the child. Without trust and belief in its forces all pedagogical activity, all receptions and methods of training and education will appear powerless and useless. It is very important for adults to take children's creativity seriously, because this stage is the most important in their formation as a person. Creativity is a special world of every child, which gives the opportunity to see, feel, empathize and learn something new, early not found in life.
Properly organized system of additional education of children will help to solve the main task of education: to develop children's motivation to knowledge and creativity, as well as to promote personal and professional self-determination of each child, their social adaptation. Developing their creative potential, children have the opportunity to fully organize their free time.
Modern Russian school, which wants to provide the younger generation with a new quality of education, should build a fundamentally new functional model of activity, which is based on the principle of full education. This means that the basic and additional education of children should become equal, mutually complementary components and must create a single educational space that is necessary for the full personal, intellectual, spiritual development of each child.
Today in the world the importance of reproductive activity, which is associated with the use of traditional technologies and does not add any new information, is decreasing. Currently, the importance of creative activity of children in all spheres of activity is increasing. An important criterion for creating a creative environment in education is the focus on new educational results using research and cognitive activity. Therefore, teachers must be aware that main goal of learning is mastery of specific knowledge, abilities and skills, the development of observation, intelligence, imagination, and overall, the education of the creative personality. This is indicated to us by the Federal state educational standard, which States that "the achievement of the planned results of the basic educational programs of General education in accordance with the GEF becomes possible with the integration of General and additional education" [3].
The main goal of education can be considered - the formation of self-developing and self-determining personality of the child, which is capable of open, creative interaction with the environment, society, the state on the basis of generally accepted spiritual and humanistic values, that is, the comprehensive harmonious development of the child's personality.
But the task of the education system is "the development of creative, spiritual and physical abilities of the individual, the formation of strong foundations of morality and a healthy lifestyle, the enrichment of intelligence by creating conditions for the development of individuality" [1]. Only the ability to create is determined by the level of personal development. The need for the formation of creative qualities is an urgent problem. Still K. D. Ushinsky, P. F. Kapterev, S. T. Shatsky, P. P. Blonsky noted the importance of unity of education and upbringing in the educational process, taking into account the interests, abilities, opportunities and needs of the child.
In the works of these scientists, much attention was paid to the individual approach in working with children, as well as the creation of conditions for their self-development, self-realization both in their free time and during training sessions. After all, it is here that the Foundation of personality, its cognitive abilities is laid, habits, important social attitudes, worldview are clearly formed, relations with the surrounding world are formed and developed.
If the child lives fully, realizes himself, solves socially significant problems, then in the future he will find himself in professional activity, and will bring real benefit to his small homeland and his Fatherland.